Our group led fly fishing trips continue to prove popular and we look forward to personally hosting you in many of the destinations we arrange fishing holidays. We have found that hosted trips provide an excellent opportunity for clients wishing to avoid single supplements, to join a group of like-minded enthusiasts and have an instructor on hand to help. Fishing abroad for the first time can sometimes be a little intimidating and travelling with a group removes much of the hassle. As the lodge or boat is usually taken exclusively, there’s often more flexibility afforded during the week to look for other species and try something a little different if you would like to. Below are a few of the adventures that you can join Aardvark McLeod on in 2024.
Winsnes Lodge, River Gaula, Norway – July 2024
Host: Alex Jardine
Dates: 30th June to 7th July 2024
Availability: 2 rods
Cost: £5,810 per person

Alex will be returning on his annual hosted trip to one of Norway’s most famous and productive salmon rivers, the River Gaula for a prime week in 2024. Based from the delightful family-run Winsnes Lodge, the group will have access to 4km of prime double bank fishing on the middle river. This is a great week for those wanting to target big Atlantic salmon during prime time and a chance to get useful hints and tips from Alex, Matt Hayes and more.
Agua Negra, Tsimane, Bolivia – July 2024
Host: Charlotte Chilcott
Dates: 4th to 13th July 2024
Availability: 4 rods
Cost: US$7,600 plus $670 national park fee and local community fee.

Charlotte will be leading a group to this breath taking location, where rainforest meets the Andes. A trip that offers a fishing experience like no other. The untouched crystal clear streams running through the rainforest are home to rich populations of golden dorado which will test both angler and tackle to their limits. The water clarity means sight fishing is often possible and floating lines are the order of the day to temp these fierce fighting fish. You will wet-wade with a boat and guide on hand to take you to the next spot.
Highlands, Iceland – July 2024
Host: Pete Buckey
Dates: 4th to 8th July 2024
Availability: 2 rods
Cost: £3,850 per person

Pete will be returning to the trout and char waters of the Icelandic Highlands. From one lodge, anglers have the possibility to fish two uniquely different rivers the Kaldakvisl and the Tungnaa. One a rugged river that forges it way through canyons and is home to big wild brown trout in the upper part and a mix of browns and Arctic char in the lower section. The other river, twist and braids its way over loose shingle with long pools perfect for rising char and the odd big resident brown trout.
Laxa I Kjos, Iceland – July 2024
Host: Peter McLeod
Dates: 26th to 29th July 2024
Availability: 1 rod
Cost: £7,410 per person

Peter will be returning to Iceland’s famous Laxa I Kjos river in late July 2024. This intimate river can turn even the most passionate of trout anglers into a devout salmon hunter. Its fast pockets, alluring canyons and sweeping meadows create a fishing paradise. Using a single handed 7# to flick out a size 16 hitched Red Frances to a pod of silver fish on the Laxá I Kjos is something truly special. The water is so clear it is often possible to see the fish in the river, see their behaviour towards the fly, and often the moment the fish commits to taking it.
Bosnia – October 2024
Host: Phil Ratcliffe
Dates: 5th to 12th October 2024
Availability: 3 rods
Cost: £1,200 per person

Phil will be leading his group back to the wonderful gin-clear waters of western Bosnia this autumn. The rivers are alive with grayling, brown & rainbow trout that throughout the summer and autumn months feed freely on the surface on the many upwing insects that hatch on the rivers. These are exciting dry fly waters where you can target fish for long periods of time whilst trying the beautifully made local fly patterns.
Jardines de la Reina, Cuba – November 2024
Host: Alex Jardine
Dates: 2nd to 9th November 2024
Availability: 1 rod
Cost: US$5,165 per person

Alex Jardine will be leading a hosted group to the expansive saltwater flats of Jardines de la Reina in Cuba in search of bonefish, permit and tarpon. The trip will be aboard the exclusive liveaboard vessel, Jardines Avalon Fleet II. This is a great trip for first-time and seasoned saltwater anglers alike to experience some of the best flats fly fishing in the Caribbean.
Alphonse Island, Seychelles – November 2024
Host: Charlotte Chilcott
Dates: 16th to 23rd November 2024
Availability: 2 rods
Cost: US$12,665 per angler plus US$210 conservation fee.

Charlotte will be returning for her regular trip to Alphonse Island in November 2024. This wonderful fishery continues to be super consistent – both in terms of the angling and the operation itself. With the continuation of the popular blue water fishing, it is possible to target pelagic species on the fly as well as the plethora of species found on the flats of both St Francois Atoll and around Alphonse Island.
For more information about our hosted trips please contact us by email or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.