2025 US$13,656 (Beach Bungalow single) or US$17,856 (Beach Villa sharing). Single skiff US$3,900 per week (US$650 per day). Cost includes internal flights. 2026 (fully inclusive rate) US$15,280 (Beach Bungalow single), US$20,180 (Beach Villa sharing). Single skiff US4,500 per week (US$750 per day). Cost includes internal flights.
Combine the flats of Alphonse and St Francois atolls with the 5* star comfort of the Alphonse Island Lodge and you have a destination second to none. The fishing is superb and leisure guests have plenty to enjoy too.
2025 from US$8,856 per person sharing. Cost is for seven nights, full board and includes charter flight. 2026 (fully inclusive rate) from US$11,880 per person sharing, fully inclusive and includes charter flight.
Alphonse Island is a beautiful jewel in the Indian Ocean and a perfect beach hideaway. Small and intimate, you will be made to feel part of the island family. It’s a superb spot for anyone looking for a castaway feel with modern day creature comforts.
2025 US$15,990pp single room, irrespective of tidal week. Single skiffs are US$3,900 per week / US$650 per day. Cost includes return charter flight and fully inclusive accommodation. 2026 US16,300 single room, irrespective of tidal week. Single skiffs are US$4,500 per week (US$750 per day. Cost includes return charter flight and fully inclusive accommodation.
Wild, rugged and remote, Astove atoll offers six anglers the unique opportunity to exclusively fish an outer atoll. Astove is land based, using the rebuilt original Coral House. Leisure guests can enjoy snorkelling, kayaking and paddle boarding.
2024 from Euro 9,600 per overnight charter based on 8 guests.
Beyond the Reef Seychelles offers a variety of luxury boats from which to cruise the beautiful Seychelles islands. Itineraries can be anything from a sunset cruise to a 10-day charter exploring the far flung Amirantes archipelago.
Dependant on room type and length of stay
Carana Beach is a contemporary boutique hotel on the north east coast of Mahé. Forty stylish chalets overlook a picturesque beach framed by granite boulders.
Dependant on room type and length of stay
Constance Ephelia sits between two beautiful white sand beaches on Mahé and overlooks Port Launay marine national park. This luxury 5* resort has been designed to blend into it’s stunning natural surroundings which comprise 120 hectares of verdant Seychelles vegetation.
2025 US$17,926 per angler sharing / US$24,576 per angler single. Single skiff supplement US$3,900 per week (US$650 per day). Includes return charter flight. 2026 (fully inclusive rate) US$18,790 per angler sharing/US$23,290 per angler single. Single skiff supplement US$4500 per week (US$750 per day). Includes return charter flight
Cosmoledo Atoll is an exceptional destination for giant trevally, bonefish, milkfish, bluefin trevally, sailfish and tuna. Its eco lodge allows access to some of the planet’s most pristine saltwater wilderness.
Dependant on room type and length of stay
Denis Private Island is a tiny dot in the Indian Ocean and lies around 96km north of Mahé. It’s a superb island resort to escape busy day to day life and a lovely destination whether you are travelling as a family, group or couple.
Dependant on room type and length of stay.
Four Seasons Desroches Island, Seychelles, offers the perfect combination of luxurious accommodation, stunning surroundings. Activities include fishing, snorkelling, diving or simply relaxing.