Since our last instalment, we have had a handful of happy divers and snorkelers rolling off the side of our dive boat! Stuart Deselms and Randy Gavlik joined us for a Fun Dive on the South of Alphonse, before running them over to St.Francois to continue their morning’s fishing. Not having dived for a number of years, the gents were very happy with the decision, as well as being blown away by the bountiful amounts of fish and species.

Rob and Jose jumped in the water for a mid-week dive, where we treated them to a dive along the secret ‘mini’ wall, located on the West of the island. The excitement grew as we made our way to take a peak over the drop off, a blue infinity with 40 meters visibility!

Apart from the diving we also enjoyed numerous days of snorkeling with Sarah Argyropoulos, Juliet Gibbs and Chris Thompson, in and around the Alphonse lagoon.

Seeing rays, sharks, plenty of schooling fish including groupers, surgeons, butterfly fish, permit, angelfish, batfish and many, many more, the numerous trips were enjoyed by everyone! We look forward to the upcoming weeks.

Until next time, Happy Bubbles!

Hinton and Danah – Alphonse Island Dive Team

For more information on Alphonse Island please contact Aardvark McLeod or call +44 1980 847389.