The “Christmas Week” was one of diverse gifts both on and off the flats. It was a week full of the different species around the atolls of St Francois, Alphonse and Bijoutier. The bonefishing was once again its normal great self; come rain, wind, storm or sun, our resident bonefish turn up to feed in good numbers on the flats. The best fishing periods have often been on the falling tide when the bones tail on the flats for as long as possible, while hoping to catch any last snacks before the tide turns.

At times the tailing fish seemed to be around for ever as some of the teams caught fish on occasions for hours at a time. Tom and Terry paired up for a mornings bonefishing and had a real treat as shouts of “double’ rang out across the flats as they both tussled some above average size fish.

The Hradecka family stayed on for a second week and Tom started his Christmas indulgence by landing another permit, before deciding to join his Dad targeting the multitude of other species on offer when dredging offshore. 

Dave and Terry decided to join in the experience and the two skiffs ventured outside the reef. The amount of different species that can be caught in a couple of hours can be astounding at times. Tuna, snapper, grouper, wrasse, barracuda and trevally all fell prey to the heavily weighted Mega Clousers that are sunk out of sight before whipping them back as fast as possible.

Dave enjoyed the dredging so much that he went for a second session later on in the week and ended up fishing with Wayne at the “Hot-Dog Tooth” spot, which is an extremely deep drop just off shore to the west of Bijoutier. True to form the big predators which call this spot their home showed up. Firstly, a Huge GT came up from the depths and engulfed a large Lyretail Grouper which Dave was in the process of landing, before turning and disappearing into the depths. Later, Dave shouted as a big fish tore in and grabbed his fly and started peeling line off as it returned for the depths.  After a back aching battle, Dave landed a magnificent dogtooth tuna in the 30 lbs range.

Ken landed a superb triggerfish when fishing with Scott only to have it escape from his hands before getting his Christmas card photo. Derek topped his week by landing a superb GT which tested his skills. Tom hooked a very large and energetic giant trevally which engulfed one of Yusuf’s “Big and Ugly” tied flies. “Tom set hard as the big fish shook its head and accelerated towards the drop off. It was set to be a considerable battle as both parties took an inch when they could. Fifteen minutes into the fight, with Tom handling the rod like a pro, the GT won the battle by wearing through the leader on a piece of coral”, enthused Wayne.  Not perturbed by the loss he went on to add a very special fish to his impressive list of species caught for the fortnight. While walking the surf with guide, Scott he landed a lovely parrotfish on a small crab pattern, ending off his two week fly fishing quest on a high note.

Another great week has come to an end as we wish our guests a safe trip home and prep our boats for our next bunch of friends. From the Alphonse Team, we wish you the best for the New Year and hope that your fishing is full of rewards and success.