Another excellent fishing week just ended at Estancia maria behety lodge. Good water conditions and stable weather made this our best week. Most of the fish were caught on intermediate and floating lines with small flies as EMB, green machine and sunray shadow.

Water Conditions at Estancia maria behety lodge
Water color and visibility: Very clear water
Water temperature: 9° C and 17° C
Water level and amount of increase or decrease through the week: Water level dropped 3-4 inches during the week.
Weather Conditions at Estancia maria behety lodge
Wind speed ranges through the week: It was windy this week. 0 to 60 kmh.
Air temperature ranges through the week: 9°C to 22°C
Fishing Conditions at Estancia maria behety lodge
Flies that are working the best at Estancia maria behety lodge: Flies of the week were EMB, sunray shadow and green machine. Small size nymphs like TDF prince, prince nymph, red tail. Also yuk bugs and wooly buggers. Big flies for the last 30 minutes in the evening: Intruders, tube flies and articulated leeches.
Green machine and sunray shadow worked well on floating and intermediate tips.
Only big flies for the last hour.
Fly lines (tips, heads, lengths, densities, etc) that are producing the best: We used everything between floating and 15 feet of T-20.
Length and strength of tippet and leaders: 4 to 15 feet. Fluorcarbon 12 to 18 pounds.
For low water conditions at Estancia maria behety lodge and for some of the upriver pools I recommend scandi heads and short polyleaders or versileader.
If you would like more information then please do not hesitate to contact Steffan Jones or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.