Following up on my previous post regarding Astove, please be aware that the trip dates have changed from Tuesday/Tuesday to Monday/Monday.  New dates have been included below for you.

For more details please contact Charlotte Chilcott or call us on 01980 847389.

Amended dates (24/7) for Astove February/ March 2015 are now as follows:

9 – 16 February 2015  (fully booked)
16 – 23 February 2015  (we have two rods remaining)
23 February – 2 March 2015 x 4 rods
2 – 9 March 2015 (fully booked)
9 – 16 March 2015 x 6 rods
16 – 23 March 2015 (fully booked)
23 – 30 March 2015 x 5 rods
 30 March – 6 April 2015 (fully booked)
 6 – 13 April 2015 (fully booked)
 13 – 20 April 2015 (fully booked)

In past years, Cosmoledo Atoll has become known as the best GT fishery in the world but few know of our well kept secret. A stones throw away from Cosmoledo lies the small but ultimate saltwater flats destination called Astove, which is where we have always caught all our really big GT’s and lots of them. Its shallow lagoon with one small entrance that is surrounded by sheer drop-offs teeming with fish makes it the best and wildest fly fishing destination on this planet. The fishing for GT’s has been so good in recent times that anglers have caught over 40 in a session. Not only does Astove have lots of big GT’s but also Bonefish, Permit, Barracuda, Milkfish, Bluefin Trevally, Triggerfish, Yellowfin Tuna, Dogtooth Tuna, Wahoo, Sailfish and Marlin. It is a world filled with colour, where the daily dramas of a pristine ecosystem play out in front of your very eyes, a rare exclusive opportunity and privilege to gaze into a world which has changed very little in the years that have passed. The difficult anchorage due to a sheer wall that drops off to over a 1000 meters with in a few hundred meters from shore has meant that our visits have been limited in the past.

Now that the Astove runway is complete and the new Astove lodge will be completed by February 2015, 6 lucky anglers per week will have this atoll all to themselves while staying on terra firma. The group will spend 7 nights in our lodge and have 6 and a half full days fly fishing and exploring this remote atoll. Teams will comprise of 2 anglers and 1 guide fishing either from a skiff or on foot depending on the chosen fishing area and tide. The accommodation is rustic but comfortable, comprising of 6 en-suite single occupancy bedrooms.

Its exclusive and there will only be 10 weeks so don’t miss out:

Fly fishing package rate USD 14,950, ex Mahe,

The cost includes non alcoholic drinks but excludes the park fee of USD 175

For more details please contact Charlotte Chilcott or call us on 01980 847389.