The Kharlolovka, Rynda and the Eastern Litza are amongst the world’s premier Atlantic salmon rivers and the world’s first conservation area for Atlantic Salmon, sea trout, wild brown trout and Arctic char.

Atlantic salmon, ASR, fishing Kharlovka, Rynda, Litza, Three Rivers Russia, Kola Peninsula. Atlantic Salmon Reserve, Aardvark McLeod

Their primary aim of the Atlantic Salmon Reserve is to sustain and develop the fantastic salmon and trout fishing within this area of the Kola Peninsular, whilst preserving and protecting this pristine and uninhabited wilderness for the benefit of future generations. It is a remote and wild region but still vulnerable to poaching and misuse and the Atlantic Salmon Reserve have led the way in protecting this unique environment. For the Atlantic salmon community these rivers are the home of giants. It is one of the very few places on the planet where landing a 40 lbs + Atlantic salmon is a real possibility. By promoting a catch and release programme, these fish with the genetic disposition to grow big, are able to spawn and pass on that gene to future generations of Atlantic salmon.


Kharlovka week 22 starting 27 May  – 2 Rods – price $5,500/rod
Kharlovka week 23 starting 3 June  – 1 Rod – price $8,900/rod
Kharlovka week 24 starting 10 June  – 1 Rod – price $12,900/rod
Kharlovka week 28 starting 8 July  – 2 Rods – price $12,900/rod
Kharlovka week 29 starting 15 July  – 4 Rods – price $8,900/rod
Kharlovka week 30 starting 22 July  – 6 Rods – price $6,500/rod

Three Rivers week 36 starting 2 September – 4 Rods – price $6,500/rod
Three Rivers week 37 starting 9 September – 2 Rods – price $5,900/rod

Rynda week 27 starting 1 July – 2 Rods – price $13,500/rod

If you would like any further information please contact Steffan Jones or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.