The Skeena River in north western British Columbia is quite simply a steelhead and salmon superhighway. In summer and autumn the lower main channel of the Skeena hosts vast numbers of migrating steelhead, chinook, coho, sockeye, chums, and pinks headed for numerous upriver tributaries.
To take full advantage of this prolific fishery and offer a high quality, high value fishing adventure, Nicholas Dean Outdoors has developed an on the river Skeena Camp package. Renowned rivers such as the Babine, Kispiox, Sustut, Bulkley, Morice, Copper (Zymoetz) and Kalum enter the Skeena above the camp and all fish bound for these rivers must pass directly in front of guests before reaching their spawning grounds. Only a day or two out of the ocean, at the peak of their size, strength and beauty, these are among the biggest and most aggressive steelhead and salmon on Earth. To hook one of these fish on the fly in the broad, lower Skeena is to touch the heart of the wilderness – an experience not to be forgotten.
The scenery at the Skeena Camp is nothing short of spectacular; soaring snow-capped mountains, a large wild river, numerous waterfalls and abundant wildlife are the backdrop while you cast for the Skeena’s legendary wild steelhead and salmon. The camp consists of large individual sleeping tents equipped with heavy duty camping cots and thick foam sleeping pads, kitchen tent, dining tent, hot water on demand propane shower stall, gear tent and long drop loo. This camp experience is all about the fishing and will appeal to those that want a top end fishing experience but are not bothered about accommodation.
What makes this particularly appealing is a component of the camp program where guests are welcome to fish on their own. Guides are formally responsible for guiding between 0800 and 1700 and while they do often guide during the evenings, like some Russian camps, guest can spend some time putting what they have learnt into practice. Guests are typically fishing on their own first thing in the morning from first light until just before breakfast and then again after dinner. If you so wished you can fish 15 to 16 hours per day which will have huge appeal to some.
Current dates available include:
July 22 to 29 5 rods
July 29 to August 5 4 rods
Rates are CDN$4,670.00 (GBP£2,980 approx) plus taxes for a 7 night/ 6 day trip, and include guided fishing, all meals and accommodations at the camp, flies, sink tips and pick up/drop off between Terrace airport and the camp.
For more information please contact Peter McLeod or Steffan Jones or call the office on 01980 847 389.