Summer fly fishing on the chalkstreams brings new challenges, hatches and ultimately some great fishing too. The fly life changes to reflect the changing weather and we as anglers have to change our approach somewhat.
Through the summer months the peak dry fly fishing activity is generally in the mid-mornings and late-afternoon/evenings when the sun is lower and the air temperatures are not soaring. The mornings are reserved for small upwing insects, these hatch in an array of sizes and colours but typically they are olive and roughly size 16 to 18. Despite being small they can interest even the largest trout to take a look at the surface.

Whilst the middle of the day can be hot, this favours terrestrial insects. Daddy long legs, grasshoppers, ants, aphids and beetles all thrive in the summer, and on a day of bright sun and a little bit of wind you often find these insects being blown towards the water. You will generally see fish tucked in near the banks just sipping in these offerings as they trundle down. The fish may be right under the bank you are stood on, so tread carefully.
View Alex’s summer chalkstream outlook and tips below:
It is possible to secure your preferred summer dates whether a single angler or group now. So do not hesitate to contact us for details on availability.
Summer Chalkstream Fly Fishing Availability 2022:
Week: 15th to 21st August 2022
Wednesday 17th August:
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Thursday 18th August:
Testcombe, River Test – 2 to 6 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Friday 19th August:
Testcombe, River Test – 2 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Saturday 20th August:
Testcombe, River Test – 2 to 6 rods
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Sunday 21st August:
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Week: 22nd to 28th August 2022
Monday 22nd August:
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Tuesday 23rd August:
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Wednesday 24th August:
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Thursday 25th August:
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Friday 26th August:
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Saturday 27th August:
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
Sunday 28th August:
Westfair Beat, River Anton – 1 to 6 rods
Langford, River Wylye – 1 to 2 rods
Compton Chamberlayne, River Nadder – 1 to 4 rods
The weed cutting dates have been finalised for the 2022 season, view the River Test dates HERE and the River Itchen dates HERE.
For more information, further chalkstream fly fishing availability or to book one of these days please do not hesitate to contact us by EMAIL or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.