Bright sunny days on the chalkstreams are often seen as the curse of mid summers fishing. Hatches can be sparse and are often limited to the more unsociable hours early in the morning and later in the evening.
Despite the challenging conditions I rather enjoy soaking in midsummer sun on the banks of one of our lovely local chalkstreams. No, the hatches may not be as abundant in the middle of a mid-summers day and the fish may have their heads a little more sunk, but still I enjoy these days as much as any for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, I love sight fishing. There is something magical about getting to know a fish before casting and being able to observe all of the small intricacies of its character and behaviour. These bright summer days provide the perfect light and opportunity for spotting. Long leaders, fine tippets and wary fish make for a great challenge for even the most seasoned of anglers. In an odd way there is something rather appealing about tricky fish, especially when you can view its size and each spot and detail before making the cast. Possibly this is because it is you pitted against the fish and good old Mr Luck has been somewhat diminished. Generally speaking if you catch sight fishing it is not through some magical stroke of luck but more because of what you have done and how you have done it.

Earlier in the season you may have more consistent hatches and dry fly fishing but that’s is not to say you cannot have some great surface action at this time of year, especially earlier and later in the day. As we enter summer many beats being to allow nymph fishing and the grayling season starts. This adds a little more variety and spice to a days fishing. While I love dry fly fishing, I also love sight fishing with fine tippet and tiny nymphs, something that I believe requires just as much skill if not more. Creeping slowly upstream and keeping low and out of sight is required for success. This is real ninja fishing that requires a methodical and thoughtful approach. Fortunately, it seems far easier to wander quietly in light clothing rather than in an amour of Gore-Tex.

I can think of few nicer ways to spend a summers day than on the banks of a chalkstream. If you enjoy fishing light and love clear water and sight fishing you may just agree.
We have an abundance of lovely water throughout the summer months so please get in touch if you would like the latest availability or any further information about chalkstream. Don’t hesitate to email us or call us on +44(0)1980 847389.