Christmas Island has long been synonymous as a saltwater fishing destination, and it is also one of the original destinations that GTs were first targeted on a fly back in the 1980s. They went from being some terrifying alien species that terrorised bonefishermen as they charged in attacking hooked bonefish to a target species chased by a few loyal followers who chased them with totally inadequate tackle. The big issue with Christmas Island is its size. The central lagoon system is some twelve miles across, so fishing with a group of anglers in a traditional Christmas Island Outrigger means opportunities can be few and far between as you are beholden to your fellow anglers needs. They may not wish to target GTs but prefer to wade the flats for the prolific bonefish and triggerfish. So what the answer?
The answer is to book Ikari House’s “Premium” or “GT Package”. The standard package on Christmas Island is US$2,750 at Ikari House and US$2,790 at the The Villages. The Premium package at Ikari House is US$4,000, so what makes the difference? For this price you have a single room at the lodge, but more importantly you have your choice of boat and one of the three more experienced guides. Ikari House runs two modern fibreglass centre consoled boats equipped with biminis and 140 hp four stroke engines. By using one of these fishermen can move around far more rapidly and explore much larger areas of the Christmas Island lagoon system, even making it right to the back in 20 minutes. This option is going to greatly increase your chances of finding giant trevally. It’s a very long way to travel to be beholden to other fishermen, so we would highly recommend considering this option if you want to make the most of Christmas Island.
On another note many adventurous anglers that visit Christmas Island quickly find out the experience is much deeper than simply an incredible flats fishing destination. By the end of trip, many experience close personal bonds with the people they meet and become interested in their way of life. Christmas Islanders by nature are some of the most endearing, warm, patient and hardy people you will ever encounter. Famous for their ability to make you feel right at home in a wild and remote corner of the Pacific, it’s rare when we have visiting anglers return without being sincerely touched.
One such concerned angler is Michael Day who has taken it upon himself to use his resources as President of the Sparks Rotary to make a difference in the lives of Christmas Islanders by assisting in bringing medical equipment to the island’s clinic. Mike has been working diligently through the Rotary and with Pacific Island Medical Aid to meet the funding goal by raising money online and through the Rotary.
If you would like to assist in helping Mike reach this goal and would like to read more about the efforts underway to bring supplies and medical equipment to the island’s hospital please visit the Giving Trail site below. Any donations made through the Giving Trail website, a 501c3 corporation, will be recorded and reported by the site and any necessary accounting forms will be provided for your donation.
Please take a moment to find out more and consider donating:
For more information or a detailed itinerary please contact Peter McLeod or call +44(0)1980 847389.