I was just wondering if anyone out there was as bored of sitting at home and not being able to go fishing as I am? For me the initial novelty wore off very quickly as I became immersed with home schooling and eight and a ten year old and trying to work around the outside as well. I have not really recovered yet from being forced to abandon my annual pilgrimage to Providence Atoll to hunt giant trevally which I spend the whole year looking forward to. I know that like me, many are feeling that crushing emptiness that is left when a trip gets cancelled. All that preparation and excitement, new toys purchased especially, now left collecting dust on a corner of the desk. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, especially for us fly fishermen which others cannot understand fully. We know the logic of why its not possible, but it does not make it any easier.

Often over the last few weeks I have found myself occasionally daydreaming as I sit at my desk working my way through cancellations and rebooking. My mind flitters across salt flats across riverbanks and salt flats across the world, thinking of silver salmon come up to a hitched tube, trout to a dry fly, bonefish chasing a small shrimp with its tail in the air and lastly the large maw of a GT as it smashes the fly. A judder runs through my spine and once again I am bumped back into reality. The worst are the nights where the images become increasingly vivid and I have woken myself up by striking into the headboard.. to be reprimanded by a disapproving wife. I think the final straw was wondering down to the River Test yesterday with the kids on our daily walk to find the water in perfect condition and dimples of rises as trout kissed the surface sipping midge. I have spent the time hunting with a camera instead of a rod.

But there is a glimmer of light. The gloom and doom of the daily dose of 10 Downing Street is finally showing better news. Countries in Europe are beginning to show the signs of going back to some semblance of normality and there is talk of a slow relaxation of the lockdown. I am highly optimistic that we have seen the worst, and in the not too distant future those trout are going to be rudely interrupted in their quest to pack on weight. Question is are you going to get ahead of the stampede that will surely occur to go fishing? Firstly domestically, if you want to get on the water space was tight before lockdown, so ensure you are one of the first make sure you give us a call to secure something. If you can’t actually do it then all the estates are rolling bookings over so you have nothing to lose.
The Dream
From and international perspective some are under the impression there is going to be lots of cheap space going which in reality can’t be further from the truth. The result of all these rollover bookings from this season is that alongside 2021 bookings, which were pretty full already, we are trying to crowbar in those that could not fish this season. Most lodges are adjusting their terms and conditions to accommodate the possibility of this situation continuing with fully refundable or roll over deposits. I would therefore suggest that you call us, discuss what’s possible and above all else give yourself something to look forward to. I think we all deserve it.

If you are interested in booking a day on the Chalkstreams or discussing a trip within our portfolio why not contact me at Peter McLeod or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.