Peter McLeod and Alex Jardine will be in Italy at the Masta – Scapin fishing days on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September.

Taking place in the wonderful setting of the Piano delle Fate in the Mastallone Valley, Piedmont, there will be exhibitors with all the latest news, artisans, sculptors with works related to the world of fishing and fly fishing, and fly-tyers from the Scuola Nazionale Costruttori di Unpem.

Photo credit: Alberto Zanghieri

Peter and Alex will be on hand from Aardvark McLeod to promote fishing lodges around the world and exclusive chalkstream fishing in southern England.

Among the wonderful raffle prizes is a cane rod generously donated by Edoardo Scapin ( There will also be stalls offering local foods and drinks from the surrounding area.

For lunch, dinner or overnight stay at Piano delle Fate please book by calling +39 163 560829 or +39 340 7752709. Overnight stays are also possible at the farmhouse Land Wasser by calling +39 348 0452909 (Corinne) or email: [email protected]

For more information contact Marco Feliciani (Italian speaking) on +39 331 4238036 or contact Alex Jardine at Aardvark McLeod on +44(0)1980 847389.