Two fabulous offers from Alaska West and Rapids Camp in June, July and August 2019 for anything planning on heading over to Alaska to target Pacific salmon.  All five species of Pacific salmon are present, as well as rainbow trout, dolly varden and grayling so why not take advantage of the special offer weeks and experience Alaskan fly fishing first hand.

Alaska West 
Due to the remoteness of the operation Alaska West is classified as a ‘deluxe tent lodge’. You sleep in very comfortable and spacious tents (two anglers per tent) – the tents are heated (when required) and the floors are wooden and carpet covered. With fishing right on their doorstep, no fly-outs are required. The lodge is located in this remoteness for a reason – they don’t need to go any further to find better fishing. It’s right outside the front door. As a result, costs are kept low, which makes the operation fantastic value for money.

• 7-14 July: fantastic King salmon week, with chums and sockeyes, six spots available.
• 14-21 July: ‘fish w/ family’, one trip at the regular price with the other one half-off.
• 21-28 July: ‘fish w/ family’, one trip at the regular price with the other one half-off.
• 4-11 August: one of the best silver weeks in our season. Two spots available.
• 18-25 August: great silver, trout and dolly week. Five spots available.

The weeks run from Sunday to Sunday. A 7 night stay with 6 full days’ fishing is US$6,395 per person. This does not include the return flight to the lodge, which is approximately US$850, the fishing licence, alcoholic beverages and gratuities.

Rapids Camp, Alaska
A lodge where you call the shots on a daily basis. Fish on the Naknek river immediately in front of the lodge – it produces some huge rainbow trout. Alternatively, fly out to a remote river where you get that true feeling of exploration and escaping civilisation. Several float planes are ready to take you on your journey. Your daily schedule is planned and discussed in detail to make sure you target what you want to target on a daily basis. In addition, they also have a halibut fishing operation for those looking for something different; these have even been caught on the fly! A really relaxed, informal lodge. A perfect opportunity for a family trip.

• 21-28 June:’fish w/ family’, one trip at the regular price with the other one half-off.
• 5-12 July: ‘fish w/ family’, one trip at the regular price with the other one half-off.
• 12-19 July: ‘fish w/ family’, one trip at the regular price with the other one half-off.
• 26 July 26 – 2 August: ‘fish w/ family’, one trip at the regular price with the other one half-off.

The weeks run from Friday to Friday. Price for a 7 night stay with 6 full days’ fishing is US$9,495 per person. This does not travel to Anchorage, fishing licence and gratuities.

For more information or to make a booking please contact Steffan Jones or phone 01980 847389.Alaska West, fishing Alaska, fly fishing Alaska, silver salmon alaska, king salmon alaska, rainbow trout alaska, remote fishing alaska, aardvark mcleod