Ever since Peter’s book ‘GT – A Fly Fishers Guide to Giant Trevally’ was published by Merlin Unwin Books in September 2016 we have been slightly taken aback by the reception it received in the saltwater fishing community. Being the first book on a reasonably obscure topic is always a bit daunting, but the all-encompassing nature that Peter worked hard to achieve using the knowledge and insight of all those who love this species rather than just his own view has stood it in good stead. The photography alone set it apart from many others, along with the sections on tackle rigging, packing, flies and the destinations section. We are pleased to see it has become a bit of a bible for those wishing to hunt GTs. Since then the book has sold well across the world, so it was natural to take the next step and make it available on digital platforms.

The book is now available on Amazon as a kindle edition and on iBooks on Apple devices for those that wish to have it with them as part of their busy lives where carrying a heavy hardback is not practical. It can now also be easily downloaded before jumping on the plane before heading off on your trip for some last minute reading to get you in the mood. Although due to the format of E-Books in general the design work in the hard copy does not translate in the same way, the images are still there to see.

We would also like to bring your attention to the Facebook Group “GT – A Fly Fishers guide to Trevally” which has developed into a thriving forum of imagery, video, knowledge and support for those that feel the same way. We do still have a few hard copy books in the office as well, so if having read it you decide you would like a signed copy for your library then please then please contact Peter McLeod or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.