In a world that has been in somewhat in a state of flux for the travelling angler we have hit the stage of the year of rebooking Iceland for 2021. As we have watched borders open and close and short windows of opportunity appear and disappear we look back at the Iceland fishing season this year with gratitude and confidence. The Icelandic authorities absolutely got it right this year. They proved that they had an effective strategy when it came to dealing with Covid-19, implemented it delivered a system that just worked. It made travelling to Iceland this summer really very simple and combined with short haul flights made fishing in Iceland easy.

Laxa I Kjos, Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

As we begin the rebooking process for 2021 it gives confidence to know that of all the countries we operate in here they have a proven track record. If we find ourselves faced with similar challenges next year we know that the Icelandic authorities will ensure that they find a way to allow tourism into the country as their economy is so dependent upon it.  We have it on good authority from many of operators that the processes are already being refined for next year.

Laxa I Kjos, Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

We have been extremely impressed by the way in which most of our operators have handled issues over this season, many offering full roll overs and flexible booking conditions to adapt to the current climate. This has added an extra layer of assurance and culminates in the “working together to go fishing” feeling that gives us peace of mind that we all have the same mind set – to get you on the water.  

Laxa I Kjos, Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

As I have mentioned in previous articles, Iceland will be busy next year as many fishermen did roll over to 2021. Those that took the opportunity to travel last minute also wish to return after their experiences, so if you are looking to go fishing next summer then now is the time to be looking at your diary and planning ahead to avoid missing out.

Atlantic salmon, Nordura, Iceland, Aardvark McLeod

For more details on going to Iceland or to discuss the different operations please do not hesitate to contact Peter McLeod or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.