During this week’s salmon fishing in Iceland, anglers faced not only the persistent rain on the west coast but also cool air temperatures. Rain showers took centre stage, generously dousing the rugged terrain and its meandering rivers. The air temperatures have continued to be kind with lows of 8˚C and highs of 15 ˚C, adding an invigorating chill to the fishing experience. Amidst the scenic beauty of these iconic rivers, anglers embraced the challenges posed by the weather, donning their waterproof gear and skilfully manoeuvring through the rain-soaked landscapes in search of their quarry. Those that prevailed were rewarded.

As Nordurá has had a great week landing 84 fish taking their total to 189. As one would expect the runs here are beginning to build with 59 fish landed in the last four days alone. The spring tides are bringing fresh in on every tide. Fish of note include an 88cm cock fish landed from Hornbreida, another 88cm fish laned from Nedri Ferjuhyler on a size 16 Haugur and an 89cm fish landed on a size 14 black and blue from Stekkjarfljot. More grilse are also being landed. Top pools have been Eyrin, Stokkhylsbrot, Bryggjur and Brotid. 1” hitched sunrays have been the go-to pattern, alongside Red Frances size 14, Collie Dog, Haugur and Green Butt.

On Laxa I Kjos the river had a nasty west wind for little while which made fishing difficult. Once this changed to a southerly wind catches have increased, but they have been hampered with very heavy rain for 7 days and the river is very high. Nevertheless they have managed to land 19 fish in the last couple of days bringing the river total to 26 salmon and 2 sea trout. One fishermen lost a huge sea trout yesterday after and epic battle after it sent down the falls and there was nothing he could do about it. Although this rain is hampering fishermen now, it bodes very well for those coming later in the season. It is still early days for this river though before the runs start to really build and laxfoss is currently stuffed with fish waiting to go up the ladder. A further four fish over 80 cm have also been landed, including an absolutely stunning fish of 84 cm from Spegill. As expected at this time of year the top pools have been Kvislafoss, Fossbreida, Spegill and Laxfoss Sudur. Top flies have been 1” Sunray Shadow, Valbeinn, black Frances and Skuggi Cutface.

The Midfjardara opened on the 15 June and have so far landed 38 fish with an average weight of 10 lbs. As they are further north they have not had so much heavy rain and the river is in perfect conditions. Pods of 20 – 30 multi sea winter fish are being seen heading up river which is very exciting and the quality of fish they have landed are superb. 19 fish have been over 80 cm and largest being 91 cm landed yesterday on a size 14 Collie Dog from Grjothylur. So far top pools have been Brekkulækjarstrengur 1, Hlíðarfoss, Brekkulækjarstrengur III, and Bæjarpollar.

The Hitará has landed a further 13 fish this week taking their total to 51 with an average size of 9.8 lbs. Hitará is currently only being fished by four rods. On the 24 June they had a great day and landed 12 fish to 70 cm. Top pools have been Breiðin, Kverk, Flesjufljót and Grettisstillur. Top flies have been Red Frances, Sunray shadow, hitch micro tubes and collie dogs.

The past week we saw the opening of Stóra Laxa, one of Iceland’s prominent rivers for large Atlantic salmon. We are delighted to say that the new lodge, through incredible hard work from the owners and the local farmers, is finished and in service for the new season. This stunning lodge overlooking the river is set to become one of the best in Iceland. Although we have not heard about specific numbers, Stóra Laxa was met with favourable conditions as the river yielded some impressive large salmon. We should have some statistics coming though shortly.
We still have some last minute availability in Iceland if you dont want to miss out, click HERE or please do not hesitate to contact Peter McLeod or Alex Jardine or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.