As the Icelandic season slowly draws to a close, we look back over the year with fond memories and a smile on our faces. Having faced a couple of years of very low water conditions, strangely warm and bright weather it was a delight for the salmon fishermen that it rained consistently through the season keeping all the water levels nicely topped up. Even though fish numbers were strong last year, all rivers reported very strong runs this season and the statistics have borne that out. This year we made many converts to the art of hitching flies and it has been very rewarding participating in their excitement. As the last of our fishermen head out shortly for the sea trout at Battle Hill which is in full swing, our thoughts are already turning to next years season.

The conditions of the fish returning this year have been excellent, so they obviously found some very productive feeding grounds over the winter. The multi sea winter fish returned in excellent condition and we saw a number some very large fish negotiating their way upstream causing quite a stir. The grilse we on average 8cm longer and a pound heavier that last year which made for some fabulous sport when they arrived.

We are already receiving enquires for next year and with the large number of rods looking to go combined with an excellent season demand is going to be high. We are anticipating most of the leaseholders will set pricing and begin first right of refusal in the next couple of weeks, so if you are thinking about going next year please contact us and register your interest.

For more details on going to Iceland or to discuss the different operations please do not hesitate to contact Peter McLeod, Alex Jardine or Olly Thompson or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.