Alphonse Island – 21st to 28th January 2023
Alphonse saw some of the largest tidal fluctuations of the season in this late-January week, packing most of the action into short but prolific sessions. Again the week started off in fine fashion with six GTs being landed on the first day out. The previous week’s rough weather has cooled the lagoon down and cleared it up, making the fish as strong as ever. There is also a heap of bait in and around the St. Francois lagoon at the moment, bringing with it a following of rays, terns and predatory fish.
The GTs have been rather picky as of late due to the vast amount of food on the flats, but the guides have done a great job at working out the right patterns and getting the fish to eat flies. Small shrimp flies and natural baitfish imitations have been getting the most attention over the white sand with some of the larger more conventional offerings being refused. Despite the fussy fish, 16 GTs were fooled this week – the biggest measuring 100cm on the dot. The average size of the fish was also impressive as another two broke the 90cm mark and only five came in below 70cm. Of the 16 fish caught, Jason McHargue landed his first GT as well as another four during his stay. Congratulations Jason on GT being the angler of the week.
The bonefish dropped off the flats in droves as always, but the massive spring tides made for short fishing windows on the white sand. They were easy pickings as they poured off the flats towards the lagoon and just over 100 fish were landed between 12 anglers during the week.

The strong currents brought on by the super spring tides meant triggers were a bit of an afterthought for most anglers this week. John Eames, however, put in the hard yards and was rewarded with a moustache trigger of 46cm. John was one of the few anglers not hunting GTs and really had to work for this fish. Well done on your special catch, John.
If you would like more information and availability on Alphonse Island, please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.
Cosmoledo Atoll – 19th to 26th January 2023
This week’s late January new moon spring tides seemed to have brought a number of giant trevally onto the beautiful, white sand flats of Cosmoledo. The result for the week was the highest number of giant trevally caught for the season so far, with two fish stretching the tape measure to over a metre.
Jako Lucas managed to catch a variety of different species including an emerald parrotfish, a moustache trigger and a beautiful yellowmargin trigger. Among his catches was one giant trevally that stood out at 109cm.

Corby Robertson landed himself the fish of his dreams this week, one that he had set his heart and eyes on before arriving – a geet measuring a very healthy 116cm. This was a truly special moment for him and it is surely one that won’t be forgotten for a long time to come.
Multiple anglers landed the first giant trevally of their fishing careers, and a couple of them went on to bag a handful for themselves throughout the duration of the week, contributing nicely to the impressive catch tally.
If you would like more information and availability on Cosmoledo, please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.