I love a good podcast. It’s a bit like having your own fishing radio to flip on every time you are driving, working out, doing the washing up or sitting on a plane. There are many great fishing podcast out there, some of which I have greatly enjoyed being a guest on. Recently I was contacted by Patrick Tillard to be a guest on his Podcast “My Kind Of River”. This a very different concept as guests become an architect of sorts and design their very own river. Five beats or stretches, in pursuit of any species, reimagined into one fly fishing nirvana.

Well, I have to say I found this a bit of challenge. There are so many spots around the world I love for many different reasons. I came up with five that I think have given me some of the best fishing experiences of my life, and I hope you enjoy them. I call it Pangaea…
For Apple Podcast please click HERE.
For Spotify Podcast please click HERE.