This is an invitation to come and join the River Wylye syndicate. There are very limited numbers available to keep pressure minimal on the water so it will be sold on a first come basis!

The River Wylye at Langford Lakes is exclusive to Aardvark McLeod, a stretch that encapsulates the delights of the wild Wiltshire chalkstream. Wild brown trout and grayling abound, and thanks to great water quality and habit management the fly life can support a range of fish sizes including some large and wary specimens.

Our beat at Steeple Langford runs through the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust’s Langford Lake Nature Reserve, offering spectacular scenery and wildlife viewing opportunities to compliment this special fishery. In addition, the site has a wonderful café and loo facilities. Please note that there is no public access to the river, so anglers are not disturbed by the general public visitors.
The fishing is mainly wading with great twists, bend and in-water obstacles to provide fish with a fantastic habitat. Do not be surprised to encounter some large wily Wylye trout along with excellent autumn and winter grayling fishing. Wading is only permitted from the 15th April to 30th November each season to protect important fish spawning periods.

Throughout the season, this beautifully varied stretch of water is available for a mix of syndicate rods, day rods and guided days. The trout fly fishing season on the River Wylye runs from 1st April to the 15th October each year. The beat is perfect for one or two rods.

With demand for chalkstream grayling fly fishing ever growing, the River Wylye also offers a wonderful winter option. It is perfectly suited for day rods and guided trips for those ready to brave the cold. The season is open from 16th October to 28th February.
We have had plenty of water this season and by most reports the river has fished very well. We have seen good numbers of wild browns and grayling landed throughout the season, and a better average size of trout. Through the year we have tried to manage the water, so it retains its wild feel but offers good fishing throughout.
River Wylye.
As ever, we are looking to improve the fishing available both on the Wylye and elsewhere, and with that in mind we have an exciting update along with our usual winter efforts to improve the river habitat ahead of next season.
We are extending the fishing upstream (above the road bridge) by a further 400 metres. This will provide access to a lovely stretch of water that offers a slightly different feel to the lower part, it is generally more open with a good mix of bank and wade fishing. This fishing will be included within the overall Wylye syndicate and day ticket fishing and will take the daily allocation available up to 3 rods. The fishing will remain completely wild with a light touch to river keeping.

Following the success of 2024; syndicate rods will continue to be able fish any day of the week from 1st April to 14th March. You may also book guest rods at cost as required. The online calendar will remain available to avoid members turning up on a busy day and through the season there will be a splattering of day rod bookings.
Despite the rising costs, we aim to keep the fishing accessible for all and therefore the cost for the Syndicate options in 2025 will be:
Wylye Syndicate – £380 for one rod including VAT.
We have restructured the day tickets costs, and they will now be as follows:
River Wylye
Trout (1st April to 14th October 2025 – 1 to 3 rods) – £90 per rod including VAT
Prime Trout (1st May to 15th June 2025 – 1 to 3 rods) – £120 per rod including VAT
Grayling (15th October 2025 to 14th March 2026 – 1 to 3 rods) – £60 per rod including VAT
For more information, chalkstream fly fishing availability or help planning your next fly fishing adventure please contact Justin Hancock or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389. or CLICK HERE