Alphonse fishing report 9th – 16th November 2019

St Francois Atoll produced fish throughout the week as the full moon approached. The week started with spring tides and a group of eight enthusiastic anglers. The southeasterly wind made casting a challenge for most of the anglers, however this did not affect fishing and some remarkable catches where made. A couple of anglers decided to try their hand at bluewater fishing which resulted in numerous pelagic species caught over the week. Three sail fish and four wahoo were landed on fly between Ashley Reed, Charles Cooke-Hurle and Tim Dyer.

Robin Hutson proved to be the angler of the week landing four GT’s ranging from 60 cm – 70 cm as well as two large bluefin. Bill Reid also landed two good sized GT’s. The biggest bluefin of the season was caught by Ashley Reed on day six the measured a massive 74 cm. As normal the bonefish fishing was fantastic throughout the atoll with a total of 119 bonefish landed for the week.

Bill Reid had a great session on day five. Bill managed to land a beautiful moustache triggerfish as well as a fully grown picasso triggerfish.

Another fantastic week was spent at Alphonse Island fishing the St Francois Atoll. Memories were made and bonds were formed that will last a lifetime. Stay tuned for next week’s report as we are sure you won’t want to miss it.

Total Catch Stats For 12 Anglers For The Week

Bonefish 119
Triggerfish 1
Giant trevally 7
Sailfish 3

Wahoo 4

Sudan, triggerfish Sudan, Flats Fishing Sudan, Tourette Fishing Sudan, Nubian Flats Sudan, Trevally Sudan, GT Sudan

If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.