Alphonse fishing report 18th – 25th January 2020

Ten eager anglers descended to the shores of Alphonse Island this week. The weather was good for much of the week, however a strong north easterly wind made some fishing challenging.

The anglers targeting bonefish did extremely well landing over 529 in the week including some very big fish. The largest fish was guided by the legendary Wayne Haselau who joined the Alphonse Guide Team for his 20th season. Wayne acts as a mentor to the guides. Wayne guided Wendel Nicolaus into a fantastic 63 cm bonefish which weighed around 6.5 pounds.

Day three was a brilliant day for Chris Lohner, Chris landed a 85 cm GT as well as a impressive 65 cm bluefin trevally. Later in the week Chris went on two more GTs one of 71 cm and the other 83 cm. Jefferson Castle was lucky enough to land his first GT, which measured at 66 cm GT. Cecily Mase also landed her first GT measuring 78 cm, which is impressive for a first timer.

Alphonse Total Catch Stats From 10 Anglers for the Week

Bonefish 529
Giant Trevally 5
Bluefin Trevally 9
Triggerfish 3

Alphonse, bonefish,, Aardvark McLeod

If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.