Alphonse Fishing Report 29th February – 7th March 2020
The fishing around Alphonse and St Francois has been exceptional over the last week. Although the weather was poor and strong wind blew for the entire week some brilliant catches have been reported. Anglers were able to fish a neap tide for most of the week.
Day one of the week started well, especially for Mark Tyndall who landed a impressive three GT’s measuring 65 cm, 75 cm and 89 cm. Mark went on to land and caught one moustache triggerfish and a bonefish. Paul Collins, a regular to the Seychelles landed a stunning 70 cm permit. Paul and Alphonse guide Warren spotted the permit, and after 45 minutes and four fly changes the fish took a spawning shrimp pattern. Paul now holds the record for the largest permit of the season so far, landed on St Francois.
The bonefishing as usual was on top form with the group landing a total of 162 fish over the week.
Alphonse Total Catch Stats From 10 Anglers for the Week
Bonefish 162
Giant Trevally 15
Bluefin Trevally 4
Permit 1
Triggerfish 1

If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.