Alphonse 1st – 8th May 2021
Four eager anglers descended to Alphonse Island to enjoy the final week of the Alphonse Fishing season. Anglers were fortunate to have fantastic weather and a tide cycle moving from springs to neaps.
The group landed 124 bones over the week. Corrie Berrigan cleaned up on the bones landing 35 fish in a one-afternoon session. The second day was proved excellent for old hand, Jeremy Block. Jeremy added to his growing permit tally by landing a beautiful 51 cm Indo-Pacific permit from the beach at the back of the moon.
Corrie did exceptionally well over the week and proved herself to be the top lady angler this season. Over the week, Corrie landed countless bonefish and an impressive four GTs, measuring 60 cm, 65 cm, 70 cm, and 77 cm. Not only this, but she landed a 35 cm permit to make up a slam on day four.
Jim flew onto the island to join us for two nights. Jim fished for two days and managed to land a 68 cm GT on his eight weight fly rod and countless other species. Phillip Fibiger had a brilliant week of fishing for triggers, landing a large 40 cm moustache triggerfish on day two.
It was yet another fantastic week at Alphonse Island fishing St Francois Atoll. Memories and bonds formed that will last a lifetime.
Weekly summary; 124 bonefish, 5 GTs, 2 triggerfish, 5 bluefin trevally, 2 permit – all to four anglers.

If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on +44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.