Cosmoledo Fishing News 7th – 14th November 2019 

The first week of the 2019-2020 Cosmoledo season welcomed 10 anglers, Jeff and Ryan Monsien, Jeremy and Mark Hermes, Ian Hodge, Ty Pollock, Trevor Skinner Russell Ford, Matthew Born and Saif Al Zarouni. Conditions were testing for the majority of the week, as the strong southeasterly wind seemed reluctant to give up.

Despite the testing conditions some decent fish were landed throughout the week. Russell Ford landed the biggest fish of the week, an impressive GT measuring 101 cm, an incredible fish that bullied its way through smaller fish to completely destroy his popper.

Father and son team, Mark and Jeremy, had a stellar week with Mark landing two impressive bonefish over 7 lb along with a good flats caught GT of 96 cm and a moustache triggerfish. Jeremy had his fair share of GT action throughout the week and also got the ball rolling with the first flats slam of the season, catching  a bonefish, triggerfish and GT in the same day.

Saif Al Zarouni and Matthew Born constantly caught fish throughout their stay. Saif ending with a handful of GT’s ,one moustache triggerfish a bunch of bones and an impressive bluefin trevally landed on the first day. Matthew ended up with plenty of GTs and bones, the biggest of which was caught on his four wt rod! Probably not recommended as he had to sprint after the fish to avoid loosing all his line!

Seychelles veteran Ian Hodge left if to the last day to get a flats slam to go along with his steady GT count for the week.

Total Catch Stats For 10 Anglers For The Week

Giant trevelly 53

Triggerfish 5

Bonefish 39

Cosmoledo atoll, Seychelles, fishing Astove, fishing in Seychelles, GTs, giant trevally, bonefish, triggerfish, permit, Aardvark McLeod

If you would like more information please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod or call us on ++44 1980 847389. Alternatively click HERE if you would like us to contact you.