During these times of yet another lockdown it can be hard to imagine any kind of return to the old normal as Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc on the world. However the travel industry as a whole is feeling a huge surge of hope and enthusiasm as the announcement of a vaccine on the horizon provides light at the end of the tunnel. As we watch the financial establishments switch to a more positive footing there is a genuine tide of optimism that in one shape or another we are going to be able to travel once more. It might not be to the same extent as before for some time, but at least we will be able once again wade the rivers and fish the flats across the globe.

To that end we know and are already experiencing space becoming a premium at many of our favourite destinations for not only 2021 but also 2022. 2021 will be the toughest as not only are were many spots already filled before covid hit, but we are also trying to cram in the roll overs from this season. This leaves very little free space for anyone considering travelling in 2021, so our best advice is to get in early with your planning. With most operations running a full roll over policy at least you will be hedging your bets.

The pressure on 2021 is creating a wave forward in time to 2022, so if you are keen to continue with some of your regular trips then please also consider booking for 2022 to lock in your trip. The industry as a whole having been essentially stuck in limbo for ten months will have a huge demand of overseas fishermen looking to get out in the next couple of years.

So much has changed in the past ten months but one thing that hasn’t changed is our desire to travel; to once more wade the saltwater flats and fish the rivers that we all so love. If anything the edge is keen than ever as we realise how much we have missed.

We will keep you up to date on entry requirements, travel procedures and protocols and on availability. You will be in prime position to travel, to fish, when you are able to do so.

In the meantime, now is the time to research and plan and we have started waitlists for various operations to get in quick when the time comes. Please contact us and let us know where you want to be. Be positive, its going to happen… and sooner than we think.