As we pass into July and into prime time on many of Iceland’s rivers, I am pleased to report that conditions have improved nicely. Air Temperatures have risen to a balmy 12°C, water temperatures are not far behind, and most rivers are reporting building numbers of fish as we move towards spring tides. Water levels are consistent with a little top of rain every so often and grey and overcast skies are the norm. Ideal salmon fishing conditions and many of the rivers have benefited from this increased catch statistics. We are quietly confident that the next couple of weeks could be very interesting.

Laxa I Kjos has had some impressive runs of fish coming in, despite the lowish tide which is very encouraging. The river landed 38 salmon and another big sea trout taking their total to 73 fish. Water levels are excellent, and gently being topped up with a little rain from time to time. Air temperatures have warmed to between 11 – 12°C with matching water temperatures. Guides are reporting seeing more fish than last year and they are now running through Laxfoss and beat 1 right up to beat 4. There are now already fish in the upper pools and spread right through the system. A stunning 82cm fish weighing approximately 13lb was landed in Laxfoss Nordur on a size 14 Haugur. Top flies have been Black Frances, Red Frances, Haugur, Valbeinn and sunray shadow.

The Nordurá is flying with the main run of fish piling into the river. The rivers landed 162 fish taking their total to 402. Yesterday they landed 34 fish and the day before 33, so the main runs has arrived in force. Conditions are ideal with excellent water levels and air temperatures have warmed to between 11 – 12°C with similar water temperatures. Largest fish so far is still an 88cm fish weighing 16lb from Hornbreida on a sunray shadow, and best patterns have been Sunray shadow, Silver sheep, Haugur and the Collie Dog.

Things have settled down on the Midfjardara as well and the warmer temperatures have improved fishing dramatically. The river landed another 41 fish last week taking their total to 86 fish. They are still only fishing six rods, but they landed 14 fish yesterday. Rods reported lots of action from beat 1 where they hooked ten fish and landed four. As the tides rise through the next week or so things are looking very promising. They are seeing slightly fewer multi sea wintered fish so far, but it is compensated by strong runs. Best flies so far have continued to be Sunray Shadow, Hitch tubes and Skuggi Skaskorinn.

The Stora Laxa continues to encounter large fish with an average weight of 12lb. The river landed 34 fish over the course of the week taking the total to 77. Largest fish was a 94 cm fish weighing 19lb from Katler on a Collie Dog. Alex Jardine and his team are there currently and are reporting good conditions, steady flows and contact with some good fish. We shall know more next week. Top flies so far have been Valbeinn, Collie Dog, Sunray Shadow, Cone Red Frances and Red Frances. (We still have some excellent space and discounts on Stora Laxa, click HERE)

The Hitara has benefitted from kind conditions and landed 29 fish last week with an average weight of 7 ½ lb to the six rods. Largest fish was an 91cm fish weighing 17 ½ lbs from Breidin on a Blami. Top flies this week have been Sunray Shadow, SSO Special, Metalica and Red Frances.

The Langa has landed 58 salmon averaging 5 ½ lb taking their total to 88 fish. Largest fish remans an 82cm fish weighing 13lb caught Efri Langisjor on a cone head Red Frances. Top flies this week have been Red Frances, Green Butt, Sunray Shadow and Micro hitch.
We still have some last minute availability in Iceland if you dont want to miss out, click HERE or please do not hesitate to contact Peter McLeod or Alex Jardine or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389.