Space on all of the atolls in the Seychelles is very limited in 2022 and 2023, but due to late cancellations some excellent weeks have become available in November and December on both Farquhar and Astove. This is a rare opportunity to experience the joys of the remote outer islands of the Seychelles at a discounted rate.
Farquhar Atoll
16 – 23 November 2022 – 2 rods
23 – 30 November 2022 – 6 rods
Farquhar has a much simpler lodge but it retains a very genuine fishing lodge appeal and offers some of the most productive saltwater flats in Seychelles waters. As with all the atolls, Farquhar has something unique to offer its anglers; coral crunching bumphead parrotfish whose crushing beak is a hazard to any fly taken. Farquhar is also unique in that the marauding GTs have identified and target an unusual food source; young Sooty Terns that they target directly off the beach, charging up into skinny water to strike their unusual prey. Farquhar fishes 10 anglers per week, on a twin share basis and with shared boat/guide (ratio of two anglers to one guide). There are single room and single skiff options but they are limited.
Please contact us or call on ++44 1980 847389 for details and for prices.
Astove Atoll
05 – 12 December 2022 – 1 rod
Please contact us or call on ++44 1980 847389 for details and for prices.

Astove has become synonymous with catching some very large GTs, and there are few places better for the angler who loves to wade and enjoys the challenge of fly fishing in the surf. The shallow lagoon adds another dimension to the fishery and is a sanctuary for juvenile fish who are preyed on by larger species. In recent years the lagoon has also developed into an outstanding permit fishery, and when the tides are correct, it can give you one of the best chances of landing one of these fantastic fish in the Seychelles.
Astove has big GTs and bonefish, permit, barracuda, milkfish, bluefin trevally, triggerfish, yellowfin tuna, dogtooth tuna, wahoo, sailfish, and marlin. It is a world filled with colour, where the daily dramas of a pristine ecosystem play out in front of your very eyes, a rare exclusive opportunity and privilege to gaze into a world, which has changed very little in the years that have passed. The “Wall”, which runs the entire length of the Western side of the atoll, drops off to over 1000 meters within a few hundred meters from shore. It’s a fantastic place teeming with both pelagic and resident fish species. Jacques Cousteau made this incredible place famous in 1956 when he filmed part of “The Silent World” along its edge.
The rebuilt original coral house offers single air-conditioned rooms with en-suite facilities. Astove fishes only six anglers per week with single, air-conditioned rooms and shared guide (ratio of two anglers to one guide). A single boat option is available.