In the wake of cyclone Fantala we are expecting to see a bumper fishing season in the southern atolls of the Seychelles. The powerful system “flushed” both Farquhar and Providence atolls this past April and we are all thinking of it as hitting the reset button on your computer. We are champing at the bit to get back out onto location, for what should be a dream season!

If you would like to join us on one of our hosted weeks please get in touch and remaining space on Providence, Farquhar and St Brandon’s are below. Space has opened up in some weeks so please contact us.

Providence 19-28 March 2017 , with Peter McLeod
Farquhar 21-28 April 2017, with Charlotte Chilcott

• 18 – 25 Oct 2016 (2 rods open)
• 25 October – 1 Nov (1 rod)
• 1 – 8 Nov 2016 (1 rod open)
• 8 – 15 Nov 2016 (1 rod open)

• 19 – 28 March 2017 (Extended Trip – 3 rods open)
• 28 Mar – 4 April 2017 (12 rods open)
• 4 – 11 April 2017 (12 rods open)
• 11 – 21 April 2017 (Extended Trip – 8 rods open)Providence-31

• 15 – 23 Nov 2016 (6 rods open) – 7 days fishing
• 23 – 30 November 2016 (3 rods open)
• 7 – 14 December 2016 (6 rods open)

• 12 – 19 March 2017 (12 rods open)
• 21 – 28 April 2017 (10 rods open)
• 28 April – 5 May 2017 (12 rods open)Farquhar atoll Seychelles bumphead parrotfish Aardvark McLeod

Yes it’s in the middle of the Indian Ocean and difficult to get to, but once you’re there you’ll quickly realise why you went through the effort to get to St Brandon’s. It really is that good!

• 28 Sept – 8 Oct 2016 ( 2 rods open)
• 28 Oct –  7 Nov 2016 (3 rods open)

• 10 – 20 April 2017 (8 rods open)
• 25 April – 5 May 2017 (5 rods open)
• 9 – 19 May 2017 (7 rods open)
• 23 May – 2 June 2017 (8 rods open)

If you would like details for other available dates, please contact Charlotte Chilcott or Peter McLeod. Alternatively, to discuss the atolls and for more information, please contact us on +44(0)1980 847389.

Please also view our web pages for Farquhar Atoll, Providence Atoll and St Brandon’s Atoll.Golden Trevally, St Brandons, Mauritius